Saturday 20 December 2014

US & North Korea lock horns again - this time over Sony cyberattack issue

     Once again stage is set for clash between United States & North Korea. This time the reason is, alleged involvement of North Korea in cyber attack on Sony Pictures. "The FBI now has enough information to conclude that the North Korean government is responsible for these actions. We are deeply concerned about the destructive nature of this attack on a private sector entity and the ordinary citizens who worked there," the FBI said adding that North Korea's attack on Sony reaffirms that cyber threats pose one of the gravest national security dangers to the US. The incident happened last month, destroying systems and stealing large quantities of personal and commercial data. A group calling itself the "Guardians of Peace" claimed responsibility for the attack and subsequently issued threats against Sony, its employees, and theatres showing its movies. US President Obama has vowed to retaliate at North Korea. Meanwhile the North Koreans have rejected the FBI findings as "groundless slander". Sony Pictures has decided against launching 'The Interview' movie as a result of which it may have to face losses to the tune of USD 100 million. President Obama said that Sony's decision would set a "bad precedent" & that he cannot tolerate "foreign dictators carrying out censorship in America".

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