Thursday 18 December 2014

Pakistan hits back at Talibans - 57 militants killed in military raids

     As Pakistan is yet to recover from the trauma of Peshawar attacks, their government & military sprang into action by resuming airstrikes in Tirah valley of FATA province. In what could be a befitting reply to the barbaric attack on school children, 57 militants have been killed on the very first day of military operations. This comes a day after Pakistan's top military & civilian establishment vowed to eliminate Talibans "as soon as possible". It has been reported that Pakistan's F-16 & JF-17 fighter aircrafts were pressed into service and carried out 'saturation bombing' in Tirah valley region. The Pakistani government fired yet another warning shot at the Talibans by lifting the moratorium on death penalty which would mean 17 terrorists would be hanged to death in quick succession anytime now. 
 Pakistan's FATA province which was the target of yesterday's  air raids
    As an Indian, I wholeheartedly welcome Pakistan's decision to go after the Talibans to avenge the death of innocent children which can in no way be justified.

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