Thursday 18 December 2014

Pakistan's ex-dictator Musharaff blames India for Peshwar attack

     India's school students were observing two minute silence, holding peace march, candle-light vigils etc., to mourn the death of innocent students in Peshawar, setting aside all the differences. They are now stung by an unfair blame from a person India is very familiar with. Pervez Musharaff, Pakistan's ex-dictator President, has blamed India's intelligence agency RAW, Afghan government & everyone except the perpetrators for the Peshawar attack in which 132  innocent children were massacred by cold-blooded Talibans, who were given shelter in Pakistan only during his reign as President. He was quoted as saying "Do you know who is Maulana Fazlullah? He is the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commander. He is in Afghanistan. And I am reasonably sure that he was supported by former Karzai government and RAW to carry out terror attacks in Pakistan.". To nobody's surprise he found a companion in 26/11 mastermind Hafeez Saeed, who went on to say that "Peshawar attack is the conspiracy of Indian government" & has also warned India of more 26/11 style attacks. He is one of India's most-wanted fugitive for having master-minded Mumbai attacks & has a 60 crore rupees bounty on his head but still roams freely in streets of Lahore for reasons that Pakistan's army & ISI best know.  What comes to my mind is "BIRDS OF SAME FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER"

     Musharaff as Pakistan's military chief, led an military campaign against India in 1999 but was given a bloody nose by the much superior Indian Army. Following the Kargil debacle, he ousted Nawaz Sharif, the then PM of Pakistan, in a military coup & became one among many 'illegitimate' Presidents of Pakistan.

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