Friday 12 December 2014

India's classy indigenous attack helicopters in action

     The Indian Air Force is all set to induct 22 state-of-the-art AH-64 Apache attack helicopters under a USD 1.4 billion deal with Boeing. But these choppers cannot be deployed for high altitude operations (like Siachen) . This is where India's home-grown combat helicopter comes in. The Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) project of the state-owned HAL has emerged as a roaring success. Given that Army & Air Force have already placed orders for 179 such choppers, this project has given a much needed boost to India's indigenous defence industry. Another combat helicopter being developed by HAL is the HAL Dhruv mk-4 (named 'Rudra'). This lethal warbird is equipped with MBDA air-to-air missiles, & ATGMs like Helina & Nag. Impressed with Rudra's performance, Indian Army has placed orders for 76 choppers. HAL has a reason to feel proud of itself. Let us have a glimpse of these desi attack helicopters in action.

LCH Prototype-1 taking off

LCH Duo during exhaustive flight trials

India's lethal warbird- The LCH
State-of-the-art Cockpit of  LCH

HAL Rudra firing rockets

HAL Rudra in AeroIndia

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