Monday 29 December 2014

Triumphant ISRO bracing up for 2015

    India's premier space research agency ISRO is bracing up for 2015 - which is going to be a hectic year of launches. Looking back at the year 2014, ISRO has accomplished three important things besides its usual launch schedule (this year ISRO has made 5 launches) . One is successful injection of MOM Mars orbiter into Martian orbit which made India the first nation in the world to reach the red planet in its maiden attempt. Second is the successful maiden launch of GSLV-3 monster rocket which piggybacked the CARE module which is a technology demonstrator of India's future Orbital Vehicle. Third is the success story of GSLV-2 D5 rocket which was powered by India's indigenous cryogenic engine CE 7.5. Besides India also launched 5 foreign satellites on-board PSLV C-23 rocket. Of the five foreign satellites, two were from Canada, one each from France, Germany & Singapore. After ending the year 2014 on a high note, the schedule for 2015 too seems to be encouraging. Interestingly on Jan 1st, India's MOM Mars orbiter will mark the completion of 100 days in Martian orbit. What a way to begin the year!!!!! Here is the list of missions scheduled for 2015.

1. Completion of regional navigation system IRNSS. With IRNSS 1A, 1B & 1C already put in orbit, ISRO will launch the remaining 4 satellites (1D to 1G) in 2015. With this India will become fifth nation (behind US, Russia, China & ESA) to have its own navigation system (consisting of a constellation of 7 satellites).

2. India will also launch one communication satellite named GSAT-6 weighing some 4,700 pounds & carrying 10 transponders.

3. Astrosat (Astronomy satellite) -  India's first 'telescope in space' & has six instruments. It is meant for sky survey using its UV-band Imaging telescope (UVIT) & Soft X-ray band imaging Telescope (SXT). For this mission ISRO is partnering with TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India) & the Canadian Space Agency. Astrosat will have a lifespan of 5 years & will be weighing 1,650 Kgs (3,600 pounds)

4. ISRO is planning to launch as many as 12 satellites in 2015 (6 Indian & 6 foreign). Of the 6 foreign satellites, 3 are British, 2 are from Indonesia & one from Germany. If this mission turns out to be a success, then it would take total number of foreign satellites launched by India to 46 (from 20 countries & in about 12 launches)

India's MOM orbiter enters Martian orbit on 24.09.14 - mission's lifespan extended to 1 year

India's 640-tonne monster rocket GSLV-3 was a success in its maiden launch

 The CARE module that splashed into Bay of Bengal

Successful launch of GSLV D5 powered by an Made -by & in- India cryogenic engine

Graphical representation of Astrosat - India's first astronomy satellite to study distant stars

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